Differenze tra le versioni di "Toni evangelii A"

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Riga 30: Riga 30:
transcriber:Daniel Luis;mapacali;Stefano Ferri;
transcriber:Daniel Luis;mapacali;Stefano Ferri;
(c3) DO(h)mi-(h)nus(h) vo-(h)bís(h)cum.(h.) (::) <sp>R/</sp>() Et(h) cum(h) spí(h)ri(h)tu(h) tu(h)o.(h.) (::) (Z)
(c3) DO(h)mi-(h)nus(h) vo-(h)bís(h)cum.(h.) <sp>R/</sp>.(::) Et(h) cum(h) spí(h)ri(h)tu(h) tu(h)o.(h.) (::) (Z)
Lé(h)cti(h)o(h) san(h)cti(h) E(h)van(h)gé(h)li(h)i(h) se(h)cún(h)dum(f) Mat(h)thae-(h.)um.(h.) (::) (Z)
Lé(h)cti(h)o(h) san(h)cti(h) E(h)van(h)gé(h)li(h)i(h) se(h)cún(h)dum(f) Mat(h)thae-(h.)um.(h.) (::) (Z)
<sp>R/</sp>() Gló(h)ri(h)a(h) ti(h)bi,(f) Dó(h)mi(h)ne.(h.) (::) (h+Z)
<sp>R/</sp>.() Gló(h)ri(h)a(h) ti(h)bi,(f) Dó(h)mi(h)ne.(h.) (::) (h+Z)
In(h) il(h)lo(h) tém(h)po(h)re :(h.) (,) Di(h)xit(h) Ie(h)sus(h) di(h)scí(h)pu(h)lis(h) su(h)is :(h.) (;) « Vos(h) e(h)stis(f) sal(h) ter(h.)ræ.(h.) (:) Quod(h) si(h) sal(h) e(h)va(h)nú(h)e(h)rit,(h) (,) in(g) quo(g) sa(g)<i>li</i>(f)<i>é</i>(g)<i>tur</i>?(gh..) (:) Ad(h) ní(h)hi(h)lum(h) va(h)let(h) ul(h)tra,(h) ni(h)si(h) mit(h)tá(h)tur(h) fo(h)ras(h) (,) et(h) con(h)cul(h)cé(h)tur(h) ab(h) ho(f)mí(h)ni(h)bus...(h.) (:) Sic(h) lú(h)ce(h)at(h) lux(h) ve(h)stra(h) co(h)ram(h) ho(h)mí(h)ni(h)bus,(h'_) (;) ut(h) ví(h)de(h)ant(h) ó(h)pe(h)ra(h) ve(h)stra(h) bo(h)na(h) (,) et(h) glo(h)rí(h)fi(h)cent(h) Pa(h)trem(h) ve(h)strum,(h) <b>qui</b>(f!gwhr1) (hr) in(h) <b>cæ</b>(hr1)lis(hr) est ».(h.) (:) (h+Z)
In(h) il(h)lo(h) tém(h)po(h)re :(h.) (,) Di(h)xit(h) Ie(h)sus(h) di(h)scí(h)pu(h)lis(h) su(h)is :(h.) (;) « Vos(h) e(h)stis(f) sal(h) ter(h.)ræ.(h.) (:) Quod(h) si(h) sal(h) e(h)va(h)nú(h)e(h)rit,(h) (,) in(g) quo(g) sa(g)<i>li</i>(f)<i>é</i>(g)<i>tur</i>?(gh..) (:) Ad(h) ní(h)hi(h)lum(h) va(h)let(h) ul(h)tra,(h) ni(h)si(h) mit(h)tá(h)tur(h) fo(h)ras(h) (,) et(h) con(h)cul(h)cé(h)tur(h) ab(h) ho(f)mí(h)ni(h)bus...(h.) (:) Sic(h) lú(h)ce(h)at(h) lux(h) ve(h)stra(h) co(h)ram(h) ho(h)mí(h)ni(h)bus,(h'_) (;) ut(h) ví(h)de(h)ant(h) ó(h)pe(h)ra(h) ve(h)stra(h) bo(h)na(h) (,) et(h) glo(h)rí(h)fi(h)cent(h) Pa(h)trem(h) ve(h)strum,(h) <b>qui</b>(f!gwhr1) (hr) in(h) <b>cæ</b>(hr1)lis(hr) est ».(h.) (:) (h+Z)
Ver(h)bum(h) Dò-(hi)mi(h)ni(h.) <sp>R/</sp>.(::) Laus(h) ti-(h)bi,(h) Chri(h)ste.(g_' hvGF'Eghg.) (::)
Ver(h)bum(h) Dò-(hi)mi(h)ni(h.) <sp>R/</sp>.(::) Laus(h) ti-(h)bi,(h) Chri(h)ste.(g_' hvGF'Eghg.) (::)

Versione delle 17:46, 27 ago 2023


Questo è il Tono A per il canto del Vangelo, tratto dal Graduale Romanum (1974) pag. 805.

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Spartito gregoriano, impaginato su foglio formato A4:


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Versione tratta dal Graduale Romanum (1974) pag. 805, canale YouTube GradualeProject.

Codice sorgente GABC

name:Dominus vobiscum ... Lectio sancti Evangelii (A);
office-part:Toni Communes;
book:Graduale Romanum, 1974, p. 805 & Gregorian Missal, 1990, p. 15;
transcriber:Daniel Luis;mapacali;Stefano Ferri;
(c3) DO(h)mi-(h)nus(h) vo-(h)bís(h)cum.(h.)  <sp>R/</sp>.(::) Et(h) cum(h) spí(h)ri(h)tu(h) tu(h)o.(h.) (::) (Z)
Lé(h)cti(h)o(h) san(h)cti(h) E(h)van(h)gé(h)li(h)i(h) se(h)cún(h)dum(f) Mat(h)thae-(h.)um.(h.) (::) (Z)
<sp>R/</sp>.() Gló(h)ri(h)a(h) ti(h)bi,(f) Dó(h)mi(h)ne.(h.) (::) (h+Z)
In(h) il(h)lo(h) tém(h)po(h)re :(h.) (,) Di(h)xit(h) Ie(h)sus(h) di(h)scí(h)pu(h)lis(h) su(h)is :(h.) (;) « Vos(h) e(h)stis(f) sal(h) ter(h.)ræ.(h.) (:) Quod(h) si(h) sal(h) e(h)va(h)nú(h)e(h)rit,(h) (,) in(g) quo(g) sa(g)<i>li</i>(f)<i>é</i>(g)<i>tur</i>?(gh..) (:) Ad(h) ní(h)hi(h)lum(h) va(h)let(h) ul(h)tra,(h) ni(h)si(h) mit(h)tá(h)tur(h) fo(h)ras(h) (,) et(h) con(h)cul(h)cé(h)tur(h) ab(h) ho(f)mí(h)ni(h)bus...(h.) (:) Sic(h) lú(h)ce(h)at(h) lux(h) ve(h)stra(h) co(h)ram(h) ho(h)mí(h)ni(h)bus,(h'_) (;) ut(h) ví(h)de(h)ant(h) ó(h)pe(h)ra(h) ve(h)stra(h) bo(h)na(h) (,) et(h) glo(h)rí(h)fi(h)cent(h) Pa(h)trem(h) ve(h)strum,(h) <b>qui</b>(f!gwhr1) (hr) in(h) <b>cæ</b>(hr1)lis(hr) est ».(h.) (:) (h+Z)
Ver(h)bum(h) Dò-(hi)mi(h)ni(h.) <sp>R/</sp>.(::) Laus(h) ti-(h)bi,(h) Chri(h)ste.(g_' hvGF'Eghg.) (::)

