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Oremus pro Pontifice

624 byte aggiunti, 4 anni fa
== Codice sorgente GABC ==
codicename:Oremus pro Pontifice;office-part:Varia;mode:1;book:The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 1866 & Chants of the Church, 1956, p. 123 & Cantus selecti, 1957, p. 230*;transcriber:Andrew Hinkley;%%(c4)O(g)ré(hg)mus(g.j.) pro(i') Pon(j)tí(k')fi(j)ce(ij) nós(hg)tro(gh) Fran(g)cís(g)co.(ef/geed.) (::)<sp>R/</sp>. Dó(h)mi(g)nus(h') con(j)sér(ji)vet(hg) é(ij)um,(h.) (;)et(i) vi(j)ví(k')fi(j)cet(ij) é(hg)um,(g.h.) (;)et(h) be(h')á(h)tum(hg) fá(hj)ci(g')at(g) é(gf)um(gh) in(g) tér(e.)ra,(e.) (:)et(f') non(e) trá(dg)dat(g') é(g)um(gf..) (;)in(g) á(gh)ni(g)mam(g') in(g)i(g')mi(g)có(gvFE)rum(dc) é(ef)jus.(d.) (::)