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Missa VIII (Missa de Angelis)

588 byte aggiunti, 4 anni fa
A(f)gnus(hj) De(jvHG'j)i,(j.) *(,) qui(j) tol(hgh)lis(f') pec(g)cá(f)ta(gh) mun(fgf___)di :(f.) (;) mi(f)se(gh)ré(h)re(ixgiH'Gh) no(fgf___)bis.(f.) (::z)
A(fggf)gnus(gh) De(fgf___)i,(f.) *(,) qui(f) tol(fd~)lis(dc) pec(d')cá(c)ta(df) mun(fgf___)di :(f.) (;) do(f)na(gh) no(h)bis(ixgiH'Gh) pa(fgf___)cem.(f.) (::)
== Ite VIII ==
=== Spartiti musicali ===
Spartito gregoriano, impaginato su foglio formato A4:
Spartito disponibile in formato PDF impaginato su foglio A4, [[Media:zzz.pdf]]
=== Codice Sorgente GABC ===
name:Ite VIII;
book:Graduale Romanum, 1961, p. 31* & The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 39 & Chants of the Church, 1956, p. 22;
transcriber:Andrew Hinkley;
(c3) I(gxd!f!gh)te,(h.ivHGh.kvIH'Ghih. ,gxhvFE'Dgf) mis(e')sa(e) est.(d.) (::)
<sp>R/</sp>. De(gxd!f!gh)o(h.ivHGh.kvIH'Ghih. ,gxhvFE'Dgf) grá(e')ti(e)as.(d.) (::)