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=== Dominus vobiscum... ===
name:Dominus vobiscum ... Inclinate (B);
office-part:Toni Communes;
book:Graduale Romanum, 1974, p. 819;
transcriber:Jerric Chong;
(c4) DO(g)mi(h)nus(h) vo(gh)bís(hg)cum.(g.) (::) <sp>R/</sp>. Et(g) cum(h) spí(h)ri(g)tu(g') tu(h)o.(h.) (::) (Z)
In(h)cli(h)ná(h)te(f) vos(f_h) (,) ad(h) be(h)ne(h)di(h)cti(g)ó(gh)nem.(h.) (::) (Z)
Di(g)es(h) et(h) a(h)ctus(h) ve(h)stros(h) in(h) su(h)a(h) pa(h)ce(h) dis(h)<b>pó</b>(hr1)(gr)nat,(g'_) (,) pre(g)ces(h) hic(h) et(h) u(h)bí(h)que(h) ex(h)<b>áu</b>(ir1)di(hr)at,(h.) (;z) et(h) ad(h) vi(h)tam(h) æ(h)tér(h)nam(h) fe(h)lí(h)ci(h)ter(h) <i>vos</i>(g) <i>per</i>(h)<b>dú</b>(hr1g)cat.(g.) (::) <sp>R/</sp>. A(g)men.(gh..) (::) (g+) (Z-)
et(h) in(h)có(h)<i>lu</i>(g)<i>mes</i>(h) <b>pró</b>(hr1)te(g)gat.(g.) (::) <sp>R/</sp>. A(g)men.(gh..) (::) (g+)
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